Latest news
Here you will find all the latest news and events relating to the "High Quality Whale-Watching" certification since the launching. You can search for a particular event by date or keyword using the search engine opposite.
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Posted 25/3/2016
Tour operators' meeting
On friday 8th of april 2016 a meeting with certified tour operators, the ACCOBAMS secretary, the Pelagos Sanctuary, Souffleurs d'Ecume and the GSI3M (Group of Scientific Interest for Mediterranean Marine Mammals) will take place in La Ciotat in order to disccuss together about the future of the certificatio. On the program : groups decisions to improve the High Quality Whale-Watching tool !Posted 9/2/2016
The REPCET app is available !
The REPCET application for smartphones is available to download! It will allow users of the sea to report their sightings to the vessels equipped by the REPCET system (real time plotting of cetaceans), and thus contribute to limit the risks of collisions between large cetaceans and large vessels. For more details on REPCET and its app, please visit this website.Posted 22/1/2016